Saturday, July 6, 2024

Review ~ Sure About You: a faith-friendly romantic comedy by Jaycee Weaver



She'd had her future perfectly planned. Now? She's not so sure.


Three things I love—quality food, eighties rom coms, and my custom-made planner.

Three things I loathe—internet trolls, traveling, and Walter Paxton.

Anita runs our online news site DFW Daily, and she’s dangling my dream job like the proverbial carrot. Now my weekend getaway to finally meet my online almost-maybe-sort of-boyfriend in LA has become a work trip with the man who irritates me most. So why do I find myself relying on him with every bump in the road (literally and metaphorically)? And why does he smell like a moonlit forest waterfall? Before this trip, my life was all planned out, but now I’m not so sure.


Three things I love—stargazing, coffee, and pushing Isley’s buttons.

There’s no point in talking about dislikes. It’s more fun to take things in stride and enjoy all that life has to offer. Do I want Isley for a babysitter on this trip? Of course not. Though needling her is almost as fun as rescuing her. There’s plenty of both when nothing on this road trip goes according to her perfect plans. I’m in the driver’s seat, but she’s the one driving me crazy. Only I’m not so sure it’s in a bad way.

A shorter version of this book previously appeared in The 80s Rom-Com Club collection with books from Betsy St. Amant, Teresa Tysinger, Mikal Dawn, Bell Renshaw, and Jennifer Rodewald featuring contemporary twists on classic 80s movies. This newly expanded edition has been fully rewritten with significant changes and is about 30% longer than its predecessor. As with all of Jaycee's books, you can expect plenty of faith-friendly chemistry, banter, and kisses with no spice.

About the Author


My Review ~ 4 STARS 

Weaver is a go-to author for charming and witty romantic comedies. Sure About You is a must-read for any fan of contemporary rom-com. It kept me highly entertained! 

Isley and Pax are definitely misunderstanding each other in the beginning but as they are forced to spend a few days together, they come to realize their misconceptions about the other and from there the romance is pretty amazing. The faith element isn't overdone by any means, yet brings a calming flow to their sometimes stormy waters. I think the biggest drawback for me was some of the slang and the 80s references. And I guess that says I'm old. LOL 

I received an electronic copy of the book from the author. 

The opinions stated above are entirely my own.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Review ~ Way Back Home (The Spencer Family Book 4)


A one-night stand. An unwanted pregnancy. A life-changing experience.
Zane Spencer can't hide from his mistakes anymore, so tail tucked between his legs, he returns home to Shiloh for a fresh start. He'll swallow his pride, go back to working on the farm he never should have left in the first place, and maybe one day he'll deserve to find a sweet girl to marry and raise a family of his own. No one will ever find out that instead of chasing his dreams with his band, he’d spent most of his time away as an Elvis impersonator. But a surprise that will change his life forever awaits him back home.
Lily Puckett lived a careful life. She never meant to follow in her mother’s footsteps. But when her so-called friends celebrate her twenty-first birthday with a trip to the beach, all her inhibitions go out the window. Weeks later, she's faced with an unwanted pregnancy and nowhere to go. A chance meeting with Zane's brother brings Lily face-to-face with the man she never thought she'd see again. When Zane proposes marriage, Lily's offered a life she's never imagined and is too afraid to hope it’s real.
Come along on the journey of Zane and Lily in the final book of the Spencer family series.

Set on a small-town farm in South Carolina, Way Back Home is a story about how God can change a marriage of convenience into a marriage rooted in love once the couple puts their faith in Him.


My Review ~ 4 STARS!!!

Zane's story has been long anticipated, and I was not disappointed! Boyd doesn't shy away from hard places with Zane and Lily, wringing every last drop of emotion possible. The Spencers are a relatable family and it was good to be back among them, catching up on their lives. If you're a fan of southern women's fiction, then you'll want to give this series a look-see.

As a launch team member, I was provided an electronic copy of the book by the author and not required to post a positive review.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Review ~ Secondary Target (The Secrets of Kincaid #1) by Angela Carlisle

About the Book

After the brutal murder of her mother and brother twelve years ago, Corina Roberts built a new life in Kentucky. But then strange things begin to happen, and she is thrust into a perilous game of life and death. With nowhere else to turn, her best hope of survival depends on her ex, army veteran Bryce Jessup.

Recently returned from service, Bryce has every intention of staying away from Corina, but when threats close in around her, he isn't willing to leave her safety to chance. As their search for answers uncovers lethal secrets her detective father kept hidden, Bryce and Corina must untangle the mystery of the merciless killer intent on terrorizing and eliminating Corina's family before it's too late.

Debut author Angela Carlisle will leave you breathless with this bone-chilling story of a ruthless murderer, a deadly secret, and an unbreakable love.


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My Review ~ 3.5 STARS

Secondary Target had a lot of potential based on the plot. The writer is obviously talented at spinning a good story. By halfway through, I was in disbelief that so many murders could be committed for so long, and yet no one could figure out who the killer was. I love a good suspense but it needs to be believable to me and this one was overkill, in my opinion.

I received a copy of this novel from the author and publisher. The opinions stated above are entirely my own.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Review ~ The Girl from the Hidden Forest by Hannah Linder


The nightmares may free her…but destroy the man she loves.  Enjoy another Gothic Style Regency from Hannah Linder.   Eliza Ellis has stayed hidden in Balfour Forest for as long as she can remember. Perhaps her only friends are the trees, or her little dog, or her story-telling father called Captain. But at least she is safe from the cruel world outside, a world Captain has warned her against and protected her from.   That is, until a handsome stranger named Felton Northwood invades her quiet forest and steals her away. Why does he tell such lies? Why does he insist that her name is Miss Eliza Gillingham, daughter of a viscount, who disappeared fourteen years ago after the murder of her own mother? A murder Eliza is said to have witnessed.   When Felton returns Eliza to Monbury Manor and reunites her with a man who is told to be her father, all she remembers are the strange nightmares that have plagued her since childhood. Why have they suddenly grown worse? Are the answers hidden inside her own mind?   As danger mounts and lethal attempts are made on her life, Eliza and Felton must work together to uncover the identity of a killer who has stayed silent for fourteen years. When she finally uncovers the horrendous memories trapped in her mind, will divulging the truth cost her the man she loves—and both of their lives?

Purchase: Barbour Books

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My Review 3.5 STARS

The Girl from the Hidden Forest is labeled on the front cover, ‘A Regency Novel’. I didn’t get that vibe at all. I found it to be an extremely dark gothic novel with a few sick and twisted characters, supposedly set in the Regency period in England. The author is obviously talented in weaving a compelling story for many readers as evidenced in other reviews.

I’m seeing a trend in Christian fiction as far as faith goes. I’m not saying I want to be preached to in a story; I don’t. But I do like a little more substance than the occasional three or four word ‘prayer’. And Eliza should have had lasting mental issues after what she endured. I’d have liked to have seen more about that. I thought it was glossed over at the end and Felton’s love for her fixed it all.

I’ll recommend it to readers because I know there are a lot of people who will like it, and probably won’t be able to put it down because the whodunit is quite intriguing. That is what kept me reading. I really wanted to know who killed Eliza’s mother! And that was a humdinger.

I appreciate Barbour Publishing providing me a copy for review purposes. This opinion is my own. No compensation received.

Let me know what you think of it if you've read it.  :-)
Or if you have a favorite gothic novel to recommend!


Friday, April 12, 2024

New Release ~ Night Falls on Predicament Avenue by Jaime Jo Wright

As the walls of the house at Predicament Avenue reveal their hidden truths, two women--generations apart--discover that fear and foreboding are no respecters of time.

In 1910, Effie James is committed to doing anything to save her younger sister, who witnessed a shocking murder, leaving her mute and in danger of the killer's retribution. Effie must prove what her sister saw, but when a British gentleman arrives, he disrupts Effie's quest with his attempts to locate his wife, Isabelle Addington, who was last seen at the supposed crime scene in the abandoned house at 322 Predicament Avenue. Just as Effie discovers what she seeks, she finds that the blood staining the walls will forever link her to a scandal she couldn't imagine, and to a woman whose secrets promise to curse any who would expose them.

A century later, Norah Richman grapples with social anxiety and grief as she runs her late great-aunt's bed-and-breakfast on Predicament Avenue. But Norah has little affection for the house and is committed only to carrying out her murdered sister's dreams until crime historian and podcaster Sebastian Blaine arrives to investigate the ghostly legacy of the house's claim to fame--the murder of Isabelle Addington. When a guest is found dead, the incident is linked to Isabelle's murder, and Norah and Sebastian must work together to uncover the century-old curse that has wrapped 322 Predicament Avenue in its clutches and threatens far more than death.

Read the excerpt here. Then grab this phenomenal new release here and get 30% OFF plus FREE shipping!!

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