I have enjoyed documenting the hatching and growth of these little birdies.
This photo was taken on May 19th, when they were both wide awake and loudly chirping.
They are demanding little creatures.
Look at those big mouths!
8 days old |
On May 23rd, the sun was high over head as I stealthily stepped up to the basket
and peered over the side.
They're sleeping!
12 days old |
And they even look like Mockingbirds now!
Remember, this is only three days ago and I have not seen them flitting around or trying to get out of the basket. Not once. So you can imagine my utter dismay when my son comes in this morning and says they are gone.
They can't be. They're still so tiny.
Of course I have to go look because they could be lying hurt on the ground and they can't get back to safety.
Maybe another bird dragged them out of the nest and has horrid plans for them!
My mind was racing with all kinds of disastrous scenarios.
(I might read a little too much fiction. haha )
But alas, They have just flown the nest!
I came inside relieved that I didn't find them wounded or dead but with a heavy heart that I missed their triumphant flight to freedom.
According to
allaboutbirds.com, by 13 days old they are ready to spread their wings and
fly, baby fly!
Perhaps I will catch a glimpse of them frolicking among the bushes.
I certainly see a lot of activity out there.
I just kind of feel like an empty nester today.
I hope you've enjoyed my feeble attempt to document one of God's miraculous designs.
Genesis 1:20 (ESV)
And God said, “...let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the heavens.” ~Have a blessed day~
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